Noteworthy Accolades
Ms. Mathis does whatever it takes to help students be successful. Ms. Mathis was an integral part in helping teachers feel confident when Covid-19 hit, and they had to teach virtually. She worked tirelessly helping everyone set up his or her online platforms.
Zeina Spaulding Principal, Atlantic Coast High School |
She makes an effort to learn new technology and resources and implement them to the benefit of her students. If she thinks it will be good for the children, she will take the time to learn it. She is almost always the “early adopter.”
Michelle Huff CTE Department Chair, Fletcher High School |
She teaches students to be advocates for themselves and holds them accountable. She sets and maintains high expectations for her students which, in turn, helps them set and maintain high expectations for themselves.
Joy Stanton Former Student, Currently Teaching Middle School |
I have not sat in a classroom under her teaching for more than two decades, but the imprint she made on my life is so enduring that I can share my thoughts as if we were back in 1992.
Nona Jones Former Student, Currently an Author, Entreprenuer, Pastor and Facebook Executive |
... has a passion to make everyone around her a better educator. It is this dedication and drive that is infectious for her colleagues and students.
Ryan Rewey
DCPS Director of Career and Technical Education
Ryan Rewey
DCPS Director of Career and Technical Education

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